


Mission: To serve on the College Council, Undergraduate Academic Committees, Medical Education Teaching Technology as well as to organise and participate in teaching programme such as Lectures, Tutorials, Group Discussions, Ward Clinics, Demonstrations, and Practicals, as well as other academic activities such as Seminars, Symposia, Panel Discussions, Workshops, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Continuing Medical Education Programmes, and so on, and to maintain a Department.

Objectives: • To perform all our duties to ensure continued improvement in the quality of Medical Education & Research.
• Teaching & training Undergraduate (MBBS) Medical students including Interns / Medical students so as to achieve the educational objectives i.e. to develop their knowledge, skills & attitude.
• To suggest / recommend use of certain techniques / skills to upgrade the quality of patient care.

Functions: • To conduct Undergraduate Medical Examinations of Shri Siddhartha Academy Of Higher Education (SSAHE ).
• To maintain the attendance & academic (including Internship) records of an individual medical student for at least 5 years as required by Shri Siddhartha Academy Of Higher Education (SSAHE ).
• To conduct Research Projects - clinical research , clinical trials of drugs etc. and contribute to medical knowledge by scientific paper publications in indexed journals & their presentation at various local / state / international conferences .
• To work on various research-related committees, like the Ethics Committee . Research Society of the College.
• To work on various Students’ Welfare-related Committees like the “Anti-Ragging Committee” and to enforce discipline among medical students.
• To issue medical certificates of various kinds, like Under-treatment Certificate, Injury Certificate, Fitness Certificate, Disability Certificate, Certificate of Cause of Death Orthopaedics Department
• If summoned, to appear in a Court of Law, as an Expert Witness, under intimation to the Dean or Medical Superintendent ,in any patient-related case, with original hospital patient case records as required by the Court.
• To maintain records / reports of Medical Statistics concerning the Dept. and to provide the same as and when required by the Administration.
• To suggest / recommend use of certain techniques / skills to upgrade the quality of patient care.

Departmental contribution to College/Hospital: Establishment of surgical skills laboratory
• To organize National as well as International Conferences
• Robotic Surgery
• Establishment of cadaveric surgeries
• Development of bone bank
• Development Sport medicine center
• Development super specialty-trauma center
• The Orthopaedics department has the highest number of O.P.D. patients in hospital.
• The Orthopaedics department has the highest number of admissions in the hospital
. • The Orthopaedics department has an excellent super specialty unit.